Performance and user-experience metrics play an important role in the evolution of digital financial services using mobile networks. These metrics cover the service itself as well as the mobile network used, as both elements are required for the consumer being able to complete a DFS transaction. The main objective of this session will be to share the findings of the studies undertaken in the Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group to measure the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the quality of service of digital financial services.
This session is intended for regulators of the telecom and financial services sectors, DFS providers and mobile network operators who are involved in monitoring quality of service for digital financial services.
Related FIGI SIT Working Group reports:
- Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
- Methodology for measurement of QoS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for inter-operator and cross-border P2P money transfer
- ITU-T Recommendation based on FIGI SIT WG output: P.1502 Methodology for QoE testing for DFS
This session will explore how to use the FIGI Electronic Payments Acceptance (EPA) Self-Assessment Guide to diagnose barriers in any given economy. Participants will learn about publicly available indicators that can be used to evaluate EPA barriers, along with data collection strategies for indicator gaps. The session will also highlight which barriers could be particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the session will review how to pair the Menu of EPA with the Self-Assessment Guide.
- Camilo TellezHead of Digital Payments Innovation Hub
- Bridget Rose M. Mesina-RomeroActing Deputy Director,Payment System Oversight Department, Payments and Currency Management Sector
- Jouali FadwaHead of Payment Development & Fintech
- Jeffrey AllenFinancial Sector Consultant, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice