Wolfgang Balzer
Wolfgang Balzer studied Physics in Darmstadt, followed by an Assistant professor position during doctorate study, and post-doctorate work on Neural Networks at Mitsubishi Electric Central Research Lab in Osaka. Thereafter, he co-founded Focus Optik, specializing in industrial measurement technologies. In 1993, he co-founded the follow-up company Focus Infocom where he works as Managing Director to date. After heading the software development for several years, his role today is business development which also includes innovation and key project management. His professional field of expertise is testing system design and architecture, testing strategies, quality metrics, and data analysis. Focus Infocom (member of ETSI and Associate Member of ITU-T SG12) specializes in testing systems and solutions. It serves the primary industry in this field, i.e. network operators and their ecosystem as well as regulators. Beyond that, it also addresses pan-industry stakeholders with business models requiring expertise on mobile network services and technologies. Recent examples were large-scale measurements of in-train network performance, development of novel, holistic methodologies for QoE on board of trains, and last but not least QoS metrics and methodologies for Digital Financial Services. In standardization, Dr. Balzer started in the GSMA IREG group (later transformed into ETSI STQ MOBILE). Today, work includes other ETSI TC’s, ITU SG12, FIGI and the Focus Group AI4AD on Autonomous Driving. Also, Dr. Balzer works in advisory expert groups on traffic and digitalization matters in Germany.