How has digital finance affected women? Experts often discuss the many benefits of Fintech and digital finance for women. At the same time, few women are represented in high-level, decision making roles within the digital financial sector. Considerations for women consumers are often passed over as a result, particularly during key design and delivery stages for new products and services. Addressing the gender digital divide is a precondition for the digital revolution to reach its full potential, and women play a large role in this transformation – both as consumers and leaders. This session will explore how women can be better represented in leadership roles within the financial sector and how women can be better prepared to contribute to the digital financial services industry more broadly.
The session will examine the core competences that consumers of digital financial services are expected to have in order to actively and securely use the services. The DFS Consumer Competency Framework groups the core competences under different skillsets and considers the competences required for the digital financial service transaction lifecycle. The skillsets and competences constitute the basic elements for a curriculum that could be used in the development of a consumer literacy programme by national authorities and DFS providers. It highlights intentional efforts to tailor outreach and consideration for the inclusion of women.
Related FIGI SIT Working Group report: DFS Consumer Competency Framework