Wilson Kamali

Wilson Kamali

Mr. Kamali Wilson has wide ranging expertise in areas of Statistics, Economics and Financial sector. Expertise gained in the last 9 years while working in the National Bank of Rwanda (NBR). Currently, holds a portfolio of the Director of Statistics at NBR. Previously, was the financial sector analysts in the same institution. Currently, in Statistics docket, oversees production and analysis of: external statistics (mainly balance of payment), monetary and financial statistics and economic statistics. Additionally, oversees bank-wide data management, including financial inclusion and consumer protection related data. Wilson is the project lead on the development of electronic data warehouse at the National Bank of Rwanda, that is a new revolution on electronic data reporting and management. Wilson holds a master’s degree in policy economics (Williams College, USA), a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and associate professional chartered accountant (ACCA-UK).

Speaker Details
  • Company
    National Bank of Rwanda
  • Profession
    Head of Statistics