Maria Teresa Chimienti

Maria Teresa Chimienti

Maria Teresa has been working in the field of payments and market infrastructures since 2007. After a decade at the World Bank, she joined the European Central Bank (ECB) in 2018. She returned to the World Bank in 2021. In her current role, Maria Teresa represents the World Bank in the CPMI-led Future of Payments and Interoperability work streams under the G20 cross-border payments agenda as well as the CPMI-IOSCO Policy Standing Group. Since re-joining the World Bank, her focus has been on the operationalizing the Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion (PAFI) framework in technical assistance programs. In her previous role, Maria Teresa undertook numerous assessments of international standards and recommendations in the area of payments and market infrastructures and led collaborations with central banks, governments, the private sector, and donors. While at the ECB, Maria Teresa was the rapporteur of the ECB Crypto-Assets Task Force, co-led the PAFI work stream on fintech, and served as Secretariat pro tempore of the Euro Retail Payments Board. Maria Teresa earned a Master’s Degree in Public and International Governance from Scuola Superiore ISUFI, Euro-Mediterranean School of Law and Politics, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy.

Speaker Details
  • Company
    The World Bank
  • Profession
    Senior Payment Systems Specialist