Mahesh Uttamchandani
Mahesh Uttamchandani is the Global Manager for Financial Inclusion & Infrastructure in the Finance, Competitiveness, and Innovation Global Practice at the World Bank Group (WBG). In this role, he manages the WBG’s global work on Payment Systems, Digital Financial Services, Responsible Financial Access, and Insolvency. He also jointly leads (with an IFC co-Head) the Universal Financial Access 2020 initiative. He was previously Practice Manager for SME Access to Finance and Credit Infrastructure. Mahesh is the Chair of the International Committee on Credit Reporting (ICCR) and oversees the World Bank’s Insolvency & Creditor Rights Task Force. Mahesh is a member of the Executive Committee of CGAP, a board member of the legal journal, International Corporate Rescue, and a board member of INSOL International. Mahesh also served as a Global Lead for Credit Infrastructure Global Solutions Group, where he led the WBG’s work in the areas of secured transactions, credit reporting and insolvency, including the insolvency and creditor/debtor rights initiative. Mahesh joined the World Bank’s Legal Vice Presidency in 2006 and has since held various positions at both the World Bank and IFC. Prior to joining the WBG, Mahesh worked at the EBRD and as a commercial litigator at a leading Canadian law firm. Mahesh is a Canadian lawyer who practiced for several years exclusively in the areas of secured transactions and insolvency at a leading Canadian law firm and has published and lectured extensively in North America, Europe, and Asia.