David Papuashvili

David Papuashvili

David Papuashvili is the Deputy Head of Specialized Risk Department at the National Bank of Georgia. He currently oversees operational risk and cybersecurity-related topics within the Georgian financial system. After joining the National Bank of Georgia in 2006, his work initially involved the implementation of monetary policy operations, including open market operations. He also worked extensively on the development and introduction of monetary policy instruments within the Georgian financial system. From 2010, David participated in the National Bank of Georgia’s transition to risk-based supervision. He led the Operational Risk and Information Processing Division of the National Bank of Georgia from 2012-2019, where his primary responsibilities included the supervision of operational risk and the oversight of financial and supervisory reporting processes. He was responsible for the introduction of operational risk capital requirements as well as operational risk and cybersecurity regulatory frameworks for Georgian commercial banks. David holds a graduate degree in cybersecurity management from Excelsior College and a bachelor’s degree in financial management from the University of New Mexico.

Speaker Details
  • Company
    National Bank of Georgia
  • Profession
    Deputy Head, Specialized Risk Department